FEFPEB Congress 2024 – Ostend (Belgium) : Wooden pallets and packaging our future in a rapidly changing world

Van 25 - 27 September 2024 -
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The Belgian manufacturers of wood pallets and packaging and their trade association Fedustria are pleased to be able to welcome the members of FEFPEB to Belgium for the 71st FEFPEB congress. It has been 8 years ago since FEFPEB organised its last conference in Belgium.

As venue we have opted for the traditional seaside resort Ostend in a combination with Bruges, the “Venice of the North”. Both provide an ideal setting not only for an inspiring business meeting and networking events, but also a good starting point for interesting company visits on Thursday.

We are convinced that there will be plenty of topics to be discussed during and between the meetings.

After strong increases in activity in 2021/2022 the market for wooden pallets and packaging and the level of activity in the sector dropped significantly in 2023. It will be interesting to learn about recent developments and expectations for the future.

That is what we have aimed at achieving with the topics for this year’s meetings. Next to current legislative developments, the current position of the wood pallets and packaging sector and a lecture on the specifics of Belgium, we also want to look ahead to e.g. succession issues and what artificial intelligence can bring to our sector.

Programme and register